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Homeland Elegies

Ayad Akhtar

Literary Fiction

Homeland Elegies is a book that contains multitudes. It is at once heady, disturbing, cringe inducing, and deeply thoughtful. Each experience covered in the protagonist’s life - a man similarly named to the author Ayad Akhtar - is weighed and measured with incredible precision. Ayad, just like the author of the novel, is a Pakistani American playwright who grapples with what it means to be American for himself, his parents, his family, other friends and acquaintances. The question whether or not this novel is autobiographical is irrelevant. It would not change the incredible nuance with which each anecdote is imbued. In the hands of a lesser writer, much of the meandering narration, high diction, and footnotes would seem indulgent. But Akhtar’s unsparing eye gives the narrator the same treatment, ultimately fleshing out an imperfect man dedicated to thinking, noting, and attempting to understand his way through the world around him. Experiencing his stories felt like a revelation.

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