Currently Reading

The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity

David Graeber and David Wengrow


A Children's Bible

Lydia Millet

The generational rage showcased in this book can be felt all around us. Members of the Sunrise Movement protest at the early hours outside politician’s houses, Greta Thunberg gives impassioned and outraged ...

The Good Lord Bird

James McBride

In addition to being a best-selling author, James McBride is also an accomplished musician. This is immediately evident in The Good Lord Bird; his words sing. The reader can sense how much ...

A Swim in a Pond in the Rain

George Saunders

It’s been years since I’ve dived into the Russian greats. The short stories of Tolstoy, Chekov, Turgenev, and others serve as perfect imitations of our world in all their complexity and ambiguity. ...

Close to the Machine

Ellen Ullman

We are only now coming to understand the incredible impact Silicon Valley has had on the past twenty years - even as the products made by companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon ...

The Solace of Open Spaces

Gretel Ehrlich

Wyoming is something else. When I first saw the sun rise behind me, turning the Tetons purple and red, their white caps shimmering in the lake’s reflection before me, I knew I ...

The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains

Antony Lewis

The Nickel Boys

Colson Whitehead

Based on a real Florida reform school, the Nickel Boys follows the experience of Elwood Curtis and his friend Turner. A bright young black kid from Tallahassee, Elwood is on his way ...

The Moor's Account

Laila Lalami

When Europeans ‘discovered’ the New World, there wasn’t much new about it - upwards of 53 million people had already been living here for generations. And yet, when the Spanish, French, and ...

The Ministry for the Future

Kim Stanely Robinson

A heatwave grips the Indian subcontinent, pushing temperatures to the 35 degree wet bulb threshold - 35 degrees celsius with 100 percent relative humidity. The point at which humans can no longer ...


Phil Klay

From the day I was born through to now, my country has never been at peace. From the Gulf War, to the intervention in Bosnia, to the invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, ...


Maggie O'Farrell

Hamnet is the story of William Shakespeare’s domestic life: his family, his small hometown, his wife, his children. But Shakespeare himself plays a minor role in Maggie O'Farrell's telling. In fact, throughout ...

Doctor Zhivago

Boris Pasternak

Russia: A Short History

Abraham Ascher


Alexander Langlands

Reign of Terror

Spencer Ackerman


The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Haruki Murakami

Murakami’s books are astounding. I’ve read a few now. The way he is able to cast a spell - and there’s nothing else to really call it - over his reader is ...

Dark Money

Jane Mayer

It doesn’t take the most astute observer to realize American politics are in crisis. Our government is often gridlocked on the precipice of shutdown. Laws are rarely passed. Politicians seem to ...

CODE: The Hidden Language of Computer Software

Charles Petzold

Hunts in Dreams

Tom Drury

My Brilliant Friend

Elena Ferrante

My Brilliant Friend came to me a year before I started the series, through my sister. She had recommended it to me over Christmas, I grabbed it at the book store, and ...

The Story of a New Name

Elena Ferrante

Ferrante continues her two character's lives through the adversarial ins and outs of teenage theatrics. While lesser writers might catch themselves on the petty details and low stakes in a similar story, ...

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay

Elena Ferrante

The Story of the Lost Child

Elena Ferrante

Station Eleven

Emily St. John Mandel

I’m not sure why I decided on this one. Maybe I was tired of the Doom Scrolling and wanted to expand into Doom Reading? Taking place years after a pandemic has ...

Encounters with the Archdruid

John McPhee

Masterfully presented, three American wildernesses hang in the balance between David Brower - ‘the most militant conservationist in the world’ - and a series of antagonists, each experts in their fields, who ...

The Design of Everyday Things

Don Norman


Jenny Offill

Jenny Offill's Weather is a perfect encapsulation of not only a certain time and place, but also a mood. Enmeshed are our lives, emotions, and events in an age where information comes ...

These Truths: a History of the United States

Jill Lepore

I originally started These Truths - a survey of American history beginning in the 1500s leading all the way up to 2016 - to give myself context as we dived into yet ...


Téa Obreht

I like westerns. To someone who has seen the open spaces, wide skies, and unimaginable features of the American west - and was drawn to them enough to live among them - ...

Homeland Elegies

Ayad Akhtar

Homeland Elegies is a book that contains multitudes. It is at once heady, disturbing, cringe inducing, and deeply thoughtful. Each experience covered in the protagonist’s life - a man similarly named to ...

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