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A Children's Bible

Lydia Millet

Literary Fiction

The generational rage showcased in this book can be felt all around us. Members of the Sunrise Movement protest at the early hours outside politician’s houses, Greta Thunberg gives impassioned and outraged speeches at the UN, and millions of young people participate in climate strikes at schools and universities around the world. Yet, even now, with the climate crisis already seeping into our daily lives, the adults among us mill about, business as usual. This failure to act, it is quite clear to the younger generations, will affect those to come the greatest. Lydia Millet gives this incongruence - youthful anger met with lethargy and denial - an electric life, inhabiting the voice of narrator Evie to a biting effect. As a group of aging college buddies and their children occupy a vacation home for the summer, a massive storm shatters normalcy once and for all. The children quickly adapt, recognizing the danger of the situation - the parents regress into drunken denial. Millet’s direct prose hits home and pulls off a sleight of hand: the bleak tragedy ends on a note of joyful hope.

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